I'm so Ditsy

I fear that my love of PRINT is almost teetering on the edge of lunacy.  It doesn't matter what it is, but if its beautifully printed then my heart just skips a beat and i start imagining where it will go, what i will put with it and how seamlessly it shall fit into my already crazy colourful life.  I find it hard to walk away.  I flip through magazines and whilst i marvel at beautifully cream, minimal and thoughtful interiors, i just cannot compute living like that.  For me all that is calm comes from intricate, beautiful colourful prints that make my little heart sing. 
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Recently there have been two new additions that have slotted particularly  seamlessly into an already haphazard collection. First being my our new little pouf..

It was a rare and amazing find in Tk Maxx - one of my favourite 'grab a take out coffee and have a wander' sort of shops.  I struggled with said coffee, satchel and my lunch en route back to work with this baby, but  i made it in one piece.  Isn't she a dream?! She now sits on our pretty wooden floor boards in the hallway, underneath my V&A print and, as the Mr put it:   'In a prime shoe putting on spot.'  I suspect this might be code for 'its hideous and can go in the hall so i dont have to look at it.'  I think it's wonderful.  
And second up is this pretty little SUNDRESS from Topshop.  I already own the exact same dress in a different print from earlier on in the year and i have worn it to death.  When i spotted this one in the sale i had to have it!  I have worn it a lot recently.  In fact until i was flipping and flopping through photos last night i hadn't realised quite how much!! So much so that i even bought roses to match it the other day.  Completely by accident.  Now that is print lunacy! It seems it has all been about the ditsy dotsy florals here…
Feeling (AND ENJOYING) that early morning chill on my day off on Monday.  See how beautifully this pretty little specimen of a dress goes from summer to autumn in but a flash of a chunky oversized cardigan, neutral brogues and willow coloured cambridge satchel?! (KEEPER).  I am holding onto bare legs for as long as can be but i am excited for Autumn.  Beyond.  Belief.  I have got my eye on the softest angora burnt orange jumper to throw over this little dreamboat of a dress.  

Getting stranded.  Despite being gloriously sunny when i left the house on Monday, the heavens decided to open on my second lap of the park.  I took shelter here and watched the rain and sung to the music in my ears.  The sun on the damp grassy embankment smelt beautiful.  Even if on leaving my hair felt twice its usual size.  
PRINT over load.  Its slightly unusual how much i love this photo.  I almost wish it was a duvet.  One that i imagine to bring the best 'zzz's.'  One of my very best friends has recently had a little baby boy, so the other day was present buying day! I couldn't resist this beautiful card.  For me.  Whilst i have plenty of lovely people i'm sure i could find something to say thank you very much for;  this card is already on my current mood board which i am hoping to share soon.  Its Caroline Gardiner.  Aren't her prints divine? I have a diary which i love, and a back log of her wrapping paper squirrelled away for pretty present wrapping.  

Just LOOKING. A little rest pre-cappucino.  Sometimes its nice to just sit under a tree and admire the pretty flowers.  If i could get away with it (AND IT DIDNT KILL OR SQUASH ABOVE FLOWERS) i would love to do a little snow angel in these flower beds.  Imagine what a pretty picture that would make? From a helicopter?! Would you even see me?!
Is there such a thing as too much?  One cannot decide.  More Loony than Lara? We'll see.  
Currently MUNCHING this.  Always.  An accidental thrown together sort of salad i have had two days running now. Torn up chicken breast, fine egg noodles, rocket, raw runner beans and edname beans and a squeeze of lime. I added toasted sesame seeds and torn up coriander to todays.  It was even better (IF YOU CAN ADAM AND EVE IT).  
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Tonight we are making sausages and mashed potato with leeks and green beans and delicious yummy onion gravy in an attempt to hurry along Autumn.  I didn't just say that.  I like to treasure the change in seasons and i know that i shouldn't 'wish my life away' (SORRY MUM!) but oh i cannot wait for layers and jumpers and early nights in bed with candles and cardamon spiced hot chocolate…

Right now i am off to buy a liberty printed bow tie to wear with my printed blouses.  I think that could be my thang for AW13.  

How do i find you all?