Rain Rain

Whilst i am used to getting a few funny 'yes you really are mad' glances as i try to cycle in gale force winds filming;  contort my body into strange shapes to get the light just the right light for the beautiful Autumn leaves or balance on one leg at the traffic lights to take a picture of my new shoes; today i think i got the most.  To be fair, snapping away in this kind of torrential rain, wind and goodness knows what is not best advised - but the lengths i will go for a pretty photo almost outweigh any kind of normal sense and behaviour!
 Since this has been my view solidly for the past week (give or take sleeping, working and the usual gubbins) it seemed only right to share.  I was hoping the weather would lift for my day off today, but alas - not a chance.  

I have enjoyed being inside our little flat and being a busy cosy sort of bee today, and enjoying the extra special little things that you have to when the weather isnt on your side!  Whilst i feel like i havent adjusted to the clock change (3.30pm dark wham bam!) i have been enjoying it feeling okay to light candles in the early afternoon; to eat Autumn-ey nibbles when it feels like tea is far too faraway (chopped apple with crunchy peanut butter and cranberry and elderflower tea to warm the heart);  and to contemplate Christmas cocktail making.  Have you seen Marks and Spencer's Rhubarb vodka?! Oh my. 

I have been spending my oh so very dark evenings reading Vogue, Elle and Red(while the Mr races round and round racing tracks on the Xbox - mostly losing) and hold the Red team wholly responsible for the fact that i have bought yet another sodding bobble hat.  In my defence, it was in the sale and…well i suffer from exceptionally cold ears in Winter (who am i kidding?!).  I hope it comes soon.  It shall be exceptionally useful for my little jaunt to Glasgow next week with my mum to see Emelie Sande - too excited for words.  Most unlike me.  

I leave you dear lot with a fab bum wiggler of a song that i have been cleaning the oven to (on loop the loop - alot) today. Anything Florence touches is gold as far as i'm concerned and while i thought Calvin was for the kids…i am tempted to give his new album a spin.  We shall see.
*Edit - since writing this i have since discovered said Calvin album, deluxe edition or not; is largely for the kids.  Give or take the odd track (namely Florence, Ellie Goulding's or Dizzie's) i find myself being irritated by the beepiness and all over the placeness.  But maybe i am just old.  I do adore the Flo track though….the girl can do no wrong.  

Also, am i the only person who still likes buying the actual cd? Just wondering. I like my cd's, not downloading. I love holding and reading an actual book and don't crave a kindle at all.  Oh and i don't enjoy Pinterest - i like to actually properly cut and stick.  Oh and yesterday i listened to Absolute 90's radio and i la la  LOVED it.  Christ i am a 2012 female version of my dad.  Sorry Dad.